1、Thenursery rhyme app will do that for you.(幼兒歌謠軟件可以替你讀。)
2、Anursery rhyme may not make sense and even seem contradictory.(也許童謠本身并沒有意義,內(nèi)容甚至?xí)@得有些自相矛盾。)
3、She is seen reciting anursery rhyme, "The little rabbit is so white" and a poem, "Sympathy for peasants".(小女孩朗誦的是兒歌“小白兔白又白”和唐詩《憫農(nóng)》。)
4、"In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue" is how the children'snursery rhyme begins.(“1492年,哥倫布在藍(lán)色海洋上乘風(fēng)破浪”,這成為孩子們童謠的開頭曲。)
5、Remember thatnursery rhyme about what little girls and little boys are made of?(還記得兒歌里面是怎么唱的嗎?)
6、Students will learn anursery rhyme.(學(xué)習(xí)一個歌謠。)
7、Trapped on the island by stormy seas, the "murderers" soon discover that their fates have been foretold by a creepynursery rhyme.(“殺人兇手們”被暴風(fēng)雨困在孤島上,他們很快發(fā)現(xiàn)一首令人毛骨悚然的童謠預(yù)言了所有人的命運。)
8、One by one they begin to die, in accordance to the Ten Little Indiansnursery rhyme .(然后他們開始一個接著一個的死亡,和一首十個小印第安人童謠內(nèi)容表現(xiàn)的一樣。)
9、Homenursery rhyme, but also the aroma filling the earth.(家鄉(xiāng)的童謠,還充盈著泥土的芳香。)
10、The woman who wrote the classicnursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" also played an integral role in making Thanksgiving a national holiday.(這位寫下傳世詩句《瑪麗有只小羊羔》的女性在為感恩節(jié)爭取法定中也扮演了重要一角兒。)
11、"London Bridge is Falling Down" is a well-known traditionalnursery rhyme and singing game, which is found in different versions all over the world.(倫敦橋要塌了是一首眾所周知的傳統(tǒng)童謠和歌唱游戲。全世界有很多不同的版本。)
12、"Mary Had a Little Lamb" is, of course, anursery rhyme, but you've got to start somewhere.(當(dāng)然“瑪麗有只小綿羊”是一首兒歌,但是你總要有個開始吧。)
13、Real or not, you could say Mother Goose is the mother of allnursery rhyme writers.(不論真假,你都可以說鵝媽媽童謠是最好的童謠作家。)
14、A beautifully illustrated firstnursery rhyme book with tabs, it is perfect for young children.(一個美麗的圖畫第一幼兒園用制表符韻書,它是對幼兒完美。)
15、Its melody is not unlike anursery rhyme, and the message is like reading fortune cookie after fortune cookie.(歌的旋律就像童謠,所傳遞的信息就像一個又一個的幸運餅干。)
16、Partnursery rhyme, part guessing game, Lacome's playful book of paper collages conducts an imaginary jungle tour.(童謠部分,第一部分猜謎游戲,拉科姆的紙拼貼好玩的書進行一個假想的叢林之旅。)
17、Take 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a...' Even this snippet of anursery rhyme reveals how much languages can differ from one another.(光看“蛋頭先生坐頭……”這句兒歌就能說明各種語言之間會有多大程度的差別。)
18、This is a well-knownnursery rhyme.(這是一支大家都很熟悉的童謠。)
19、Generations of London children have prattled1 thenursery rhyme that begins.(一代又一代的倫敦兒童都唱過這樣一首童謠。)
20、I named him Henry and, just like thenursery rhyme, everywhere that Marty went, the lamb was sure to go.(我管它叫亨利。就像兒歌唱的那樣,馬蒂走到哪兒,羊羔就跟到哪兒。) Hao86.com
21、Homenursery rhyme with the adaptability of the age.(家鄉(xiāng)的童謠有著年齡的適應(yīng)性。)
22、Yan went there again, when it could be homenursery rhyme? Only in a dream recall, Tong Song Qing Yin, it is difficult to back some memories.(雁去了,還有再來的時候,可家鄉(xiāng)的童謠呢?惟有在夢里重溫,童歌輕吟,那是一番難回的記憶。)
23、She lapsed into a little girl voice to deliver anursery rhyme.(她用小女孩的聲音唱起了一首童謠。)