1、He rushed into the room without troubling to knock.(他連門也懶得敲就闖進屋去。)
2、The BJP will not win in Uttar Pradesh, but it hopes to knock Congress into fourth place.(人民黨不會再北方邦獲勝,但他們希望能把國大黨擠到第四位。)
3、They also used an analytic method that allowed them to calculate the total effect of maternal employment taking into account all knock-on effects.(他們也使用了一種分析方法,能夠將連鎖效應包括在內(nèi),計算出女性就業(yè)的整體影響。)
4、Once acquired, companies are held for shorter periods than in the past, leaving less time to knock them into shape.(即使一旦購買成功,被買公司被持有的時間相對過去而言則更短,這樣更沒有多少時間對其進行重組或者改造。)
5、It's easy to slip into poor eating habits - but these can have a knock-on effect on your mood.(很容易就養(yǎng)成不好的飲食習慣,但這些又對你的情緒有連鎖的影響。)
6、I am so hurried as toknock into my teacher.(我如此匆忙以至于撞到老師身上。)
7、Fears over swine flu threatened to knock a vulnerable global economy into deeper turmoil, hammering travel and tourism as nervous consumers and businesses delayed spending plans.(流感造成的恐慌可能讓脆弱的全球經(jīng)濟陷入更嚴重的動蕩,隨著緊張萬分的消費者和企業(yè)推遲支出計劃,旅行和旅游也會受到打擊。)
8、While their first drafts may be pretty good, a good rewrite can turn a pretty good document into one that will knock your socks off.(盡管初稿或許很好,但是重寫做得好的話就能也能寫出好文件,這也能讓人興奮不已。)
9、What will it be if we knock the original transparent glass into powder when it's broken?(原本透明的玻璃若是破碎時,將他敲成細細的粉末后。)
10、My agent even got into a knock down drag out fight in the Union Square Café in New York City.(我的代理人甚至在紐約聯(lián)合廣場咖啡廳內(nèi)卷入了一場爭斗。)
11、If youknock into someone, you should say sorry to him.(如果你撞在某人身上,你應該對他說聲“對不起”。)
12、If your kidnapper takes you into a store, knock things down, break bottles, yell and scream that you have been kidnapped.(如綁匪帶你進入商店,就打掉商店的東西,打爛瓶子等,尖聲喊叫你被綁架了。)
13、Of course, the more literal "do nothing" would also help - Gibson clearly needs to take a break, replenish and knock his head into shape.(當然,越是“什么都別做”越是有幫助-吉普森的確需要休息,重新思考調整一下。) (hao86.com好工具)
14、Alex Lee is the only person who can walk into Dr. Choi's office without having to knock.(亞歷克斯。李是唯一一個可以不敲門進入蔡醫(yī)生辦公室的人。)
15、He didn't expect toknock into some of his friends here.(他沒有想到在這兒遇見了一些朋友。)
16、It saying there's not enough thermal energy to populate, to knock things into states whose energy is much higher than that. So you have a very precipitous decay.(這就意味著沒有足夠的熱能,使這些能量大于kT的狀態(tài)被占據(jù),我們有一個非常陡峭的衰減。)
17、The door had opened without a knock. Jason Ridley, Chappelle's young, dapper assistant, escorted FBI Special Agent Frank Hensley into the conference room.(沒有敲門聲門就開了,查普利衣冠楚楚的年輕助理賈森·里德利陪同fbi特工弗蘭克·漢斯萊走進會議室。)
18、If youknock into someone by mistake, say "Excuse me. " or "I'm sorry. "(如果你誤撞在某人身上,請說“對不起”或“很抱歉”。)
19、He had spotted the opportunity to knock an off-balance Michael Essien off the ball in a pre-season fixture two weeks ago and he had slammed his shoulder into him with all of his force.(兩周前的季前賽中,這名法蘭克福隊員發(fā)現(xiàn)自己有機會用身體接觸影響埃辛的身體平衡,并斷掉埃辛腳下的足球,于是他用全身的力氣將自己的肩膀撞向埃辛。)
20、When turning personal situations into comedic material, remember lessons learned from a childhood humor staple: Knock-Knock Jokes.(當你將個人經(jīng)歷當成喜劇素材來講時,記住我們從孩童時期的幽默游戲中學到的:敲門游戲。)
21、Can you knock this nail into the wood?(你能把這釘子敲進木頭里去嗎?)
22、Health care costs also have outstripped inflation; the cost of a catastrophic illness can quickly knock a middle-class household into another, better-defined economic category: poverty.(醫(yī)療費用的增速甚至也超過了通脹率;生一場大病就能迅速把一個中產(chǎn)家庭打入貧困家庭的行列。)
23、On the other hand "wolves"knock into Chinese engine market, domestic opponents aims at the one, the market competition gets worse.(另一方面,跨國公司大批涌入,國內(nèi)競爭者實力不斷增強,發(fā)動機市場的競爭變得異常激烈。)
24、I just want something that canknock into taxis, everytime they cut me up!(我只想一切恢復到正軌上,我隨時有可能崩潰!)