live by造句

更新時間:2025-03-09 21:58:02


live by造句

  • 1、You willlive by the sword and you will serve your brother.(你必倚靠刀劍度日,又必事奉你的兄弟;)
  • 2、I like tolive by the sea and hear the waves swashing.(我喜歡住在海邊,聽海浪發(fā)出的拍擊聲。)
  • 3、Can individualslive by Numbers?(個體可以根據數據生活嗎?)
  • 4、Childrenlive by their instincts openly and without hesitation.(——孩子們是完全憑直覺來生活的,而且從不猶豫。)
  • 5、The ceremony was transmittedlive by satellite to over fifty countries.(典禮通過衛(wèi)星向五十多個國家進行了實況轉播。)
  • 6、Would you like to know how wolveslive by staying in their pack?(你想過和狼群待在一起以了解它們的生活嗎?)
  • 7、You reallylive by the river?(你真的住在河邊嗎?)
  • 8、Fortunately, at home, Ilive by a beach.(幸運的是,在家的時候,我就住在海邊。)
  • 9、The concert will be broadcastlive by the BBC.(這場音樂會將由英國廣播公司實況轉播。)
  • 10、I'm glad you won'tlive by yourself anymore.(我很高興你不再一個人住了。)
  • 11、Ilive by myself.(我自己一個人生活。)
  • 12、I try tolive by that on a daily basis.(我每天都在努力按照這個生活。)
  • 13、Here are four rules I've come tolive by.(以下是我生活的四條生活法則。)
  • 14、The interview camelive by satellite from Hollywood.(采訪是通過衛(wèi)星從好萊塢現場傳來的。)
  • 15、Either Entergy never really intended tolive by those commitments, or it simply didn't foresee what would happen next.(要么Entergy從未真正打算遵守這些承諾,要么它根本就沒有預見到接下來會發(fā)生什么。)
  • 16、He is going tolive by the coast for the sake of his health.(他為了自己的健康,打算到海濱地區(qū)去居住。)
  • 17、This is what we need tolive by.(這才是我們所賴以生存的追求。)
  • 18、We shouldlive by our own principles.(我們應該按照自己的原則生活。)
  • 19、He had tolive by himself.(他不得不獨自生活。)
  • 20、The problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt tolive by it.(這種觀點的問題在于,實際上有些人試圖信奉它。)
  • 21、Its people willlive by the laws of French Polynesia.(其人民將按照法屬波利尼西亞的法律生活。)
  • 22、Let uslive by their example.(讓我們以他們?yōu)榘駱由睢?
  • 23、People in floating cities willlive by the laws of French Polynesia.(漂浮城市中的人們將按照法屬波利尼西亞的法律生活。)
  • 24、There may be giant plankton on gaseous planets. They float in a thick atmosphere like small spaceships andlive by "eating" lightning.(氣態(tài)星球上可能存在巨型浮游生物。它們像小型飛船那樣漂在厚厚的大氣中,靠“吃”閃電獲取能量為生。)
  • 25、They notice everything andlive by their senses.(它們通過感覺來觀察和生活。)
  • 26、That's a philosophy I couldlive by.(那就是我所信奉的人生哲學。)

live by基本釋義

live by

英 [liv bai] 美 [liv ba?] 
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