
leading edge造句

leading edge造句

更新時間:2025-03-09 21:58:47


leading edge造句

  • 1、Noun: the luff is theleading edge of a sail.(名詞:luff指的是帆的前緣。)
  • 2、Yet the First National Bank of Namibia, which bought the computer, is at theleading edge of a trend.(然而,購買計算機的納米比亞國家銀行卻在引領潮流。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 3、We changed, but we becameleading edge as it related to things like telecommuting, flexible work arrangements, and employment models.(我們的確發(fā)生了改變;但同時,我們也在遠距離辦公、彈性工作安排以及雇用模式方面占據了領先地位。)
  • 4、GPFS providesleading edge technology.(GPFS提供前沿技術。)
  • 5、Without a thin, stiffleading edge, they may have been too weak for flight.(由于缺少薄而硬的前緣,這些羽毛也許不夠牢固,因而無法用于飛行。)
  • 6、If you like playing withleading edge technology.(如果您喜歡使用領先的尖端技術。)
  • 7、The ridge is formed primarily from marine sediments scraped off the top of the Australia plate and piled up on top of theleading edge of the Sunda Plate.(洋脊的形成主要是由于從澳大利亞板塊頂端刮落的海洋沉積物,在巽他板塊的前端表面堆積起來了;)
  • 8、We are always on theleading edge, and the successes of the future will not rely on old ways of doing things.(我們總是處在領先的前沿,未來不是靠老方法就可以成功的。)
  • 9、To judge how much time remains before the next leap forwards, look at theleading edge of the industry.(下一次跨越何時到來,不妨觀察業(yè)界的前緣。)
  • 10、I think Israel tends to be at theleading edge of technological development.(我認為以色列會走在技術發(fā)展的前沿。)
  • 11、This is just one example of the performance characteristics ofleading edge dual core servers.(這只是前沿雙核心服務器性能特征的一個例子。)
  • 12、"Whether you support us or oppose us, we're always at theleading edge," he says.(“不管你支持我們還是反對我們,我們永遠都是領先時代的”,他這么聲稱。)
  • 13、Being a trendsetter. From fashion to electronics, being on theleading edge is both expensive and unnecessary.(勿做潮流達人:從時尚到電子產品,可謂站在了昂貴和不實用的前沿。)
  • 14、By July 2010, it had accelerated to roughly 15 kilometers per year, and theleading edge had retreated nearly 10 kilometers (6 miles).(到2010年7月,它的流動速度已加速到每年大約15公里,冰川前沿已消退將近10公里(6英里)。)
  • 15、Ripples on theleading edge of humpback fins help the whales slice through water with grace and dexterity.(座頭鯨鰭部前緣的波紋結構能幫助它優(yōu)雅靈活的穿梭于海水之中。)
  • 16、So we are at theleading edge of what many people think is really the next big wave of medicine.(許多人認為這些產品將開創(chuàng)醫(yī)學界下一股,大浪潮,而我們正處于這個領域的尖端地位。)
  • 17、To do this effectively requires close coordination of several key functions - consultative advertising account managers, travel expertise, andleading edge technology.(要想成功地做好GDS廣告,需要幾個主要功能的協(xié)調和配合:廣告客戶顧問經理、旅游專業(yè)知識、領先的技術。)
  • 18、DHS awarded the task order against the Enterprise Architecture Gateway forleading edge Solutions (EAGLE) Information Technology services contract vehicle.(DHS授予任務定單,反對前沿解決方案的企業(yè)體系結構網關(EAGLE)信息技術服務合同媒介物。)
  • 19、Verb: Luffing refers to a shaking or movement of theleading edge of a sail when it is not in trim.(動詞1:luffing指的是當帆不平整時,帆的前緣的搖動或移動。)
  • 20、Today, commercial aircraft remove ice that accumulates on wings in-flight by redirecting hot air from the jet engines to theleading edge of the wings to keep them warm.(今天,商用飛機主要靠把從噴氣式引擎排出的熱空氣引導到機翼的邊緣,使它們變暖,以此來達到除冰的目的。)
  • 21、In addition, the bill contained $6 billion in loan guarantees for “leading edge biofuel projects” that will commence construction by October 2011.(此外,該計劃中還包含一項高達60億美元的貸款擔保,用于生物燃料前沿項目的建設,這些項目預計將于2011年10月以前開工。)
  • 22、DB2 Express-C is aleading edge hybrid data server capable of supporting both relational and pure XML storage.(DB2Express-C是一種先進的混合型數據服務器,可以支持關系數據庫和純xML存儲。)
  • 23、For example, if the sail is let out too far for the wind's direction, theleading edge may shake or start to blow inward. Tightening up the sheet usually corrects luffing.(例如,當帆在風向上被放出太多時,它的前緣可能會抖動或開始向內側彎,將繩索拉緊通常能矯正之。)
  • 24、We need to invest in biomedical research and stem cell research, so that we’re at theleading edge of prevention and treatment.(需要對生物醫(yī)學和干細胞研究進行投入,使我們在預防和治療方面處于優(yōu)勢地位;)
  • 25、As a living-lab showcase ofleading edge energy efficient infrastructure technology that hosts many internal applications used throughout IBM, the GIDC is a highly instrumented environment.(正如展示前沿能效基礎設施技術的生活實驗室托管IBM使用的內部應用一樣,GIDC是一種高度物聯化的環(huán)境。)
  • 26、People like Vicky and her friends represent theleading edge, the trailblazers for a huge mass of young, eagerly aspirant consumers.(像Vicky和她的朋友們這樣的人代表著社會的前沿,是一大批渴望消費的年輕人的先驅者。)
  • 27、To cut theleading edge of the pie slices in a simple circle pattern, an image is created with a transparent circle in the middle.(為了切去簡單圓形圖案中餅圖分區(qū)的前緣,將創(chuàng)建一張中間帶有透明圓形的圖像。)
  • 28、Essentially, theleading edge of the chasing pulse sucks it in, acting like the event horizon of a black hole.(從本質上來講,后來追逐的脈沖的主導邊緣將慢脈沖吞噬了,就像一個黑洞的視界那樣。)
  • 29、Most of us aren't charged with being on theleading edge of technology. But, when a new technology appears, those who are able to utilize it first usually win in the marketplace.(我們中的大部分人并不是處于技術的領導邊緣,但是,當一個新的技術出現時,誰能夠首先應用它,誰就能夠在市場取得勝利。)

leading edge基本釋義

leading edge

英 [?li:di? ed?] 美 [?lid?? ?d?] 
形容詞: leading-edge