
burst into laughter造句

burst into laughter造句

更新時間:2025-03-09 22:18:11


burst into laughter造句

  • 1、The roomburst into laughter; the man looked puzzled and hurt.(房間里爆發(fā)出一陣笑聲;那人看上去既困惑又受傷。)
  • 2、When he heard the news, heburst into laughter.(當(dāng)他聽到那個消息后,他突然大笑起來。)
  • 3、"Haha point" refers to the threshold where you can be amused andburst into laughter.(“哈哈點”指的是你能被逗樂并放聲大笑的臨界點。)
  • 4、Motherburst into laughter, and then into tears.(母親突然笑了,然后又哭了起來。)
  • 5、Heburst into laughter, not hollow laughter now, but honest laughter.(他突然大笑起來,不是空洞的假笑,而是貨真價實的笑聲。)
  • 6、Her humorous story made meburst into laughter sometimes.(她的幽默故事有時使我突然大笑起來。)
  • 7、Seeing the funny picture, the whole classburst into laughter.(看到這張有趣的照片,全班同學(xué)都突然大笑起來。)
  • 8、All of a sudden, sheburst into laughter.(她突然大笑起來。)
  • 9、Upon hearing the funny story, everybodyburst into laughter.(聽了這個滑稽的故事,大家都哈哈大笑。)
  • 10、As the comedian appeared, the audienceburst into laughter.(喜劇演員一上臺,觀眾就爆發(fā)出一陣笑聲。)
  • 11、When I told the joke everyoneburst into laughter.(當(dāng)我說這笑話時每個人都忍不住大笑起來。)
  • 12、As they listened theyburst into laughter.(他們聽著聽著不覺哈哈大笑起來。)
  • 13、I could not help butburst into laughter.(我忍不住大笑了起來。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 14、The whole crowdburst into laughter at Pat's ready answer.(對帕特的回答,人群中爆發(fā)出一陣嘲笑。)
  • 15、Everybodyburst into laughter!(大家哈哈大笑起來!)
  • 16、The audienceburst into laughter because of the slip of the tongue from the host.(由于主持人的口誤,觀眾哄堂大笑。)
  • 17、Hank's humorous joke made meburst into laughter.(漢克幽默的笑話讓我笑了出來。)
  • 18、The roomburst into laughter.(此情此景使屋里的人頓時笑作一團。)
  • 19、The womenburst into laughter.(一伙女人們哈哈大笑。)
  • 20、Mother tried to say something in English but it came out all wrong and we allburst into laughter and decided to forget it!(媽媽想用英語說點什么,但全說錯了,我們都大笑起來并決定忘了它!)
  • 21、They allburst into laughter.(他們都大笑起來。)
  • 22、Childrenburst into laughter when seeing Animal United.(看《動物總動員》的時候,孩子們時不時人笑起來。)
  • 23、This comedy made all of usburst into laughter.(這出喜劇使我們所有人都大笑起來。)
  • 24、Theyburst into laughter.(他們突然放聲大笑。)

burst into laughter基本釋義

burst into laughter

英 [b?:st ??ntu? ?lɑ:ft?] 美 [b?st ??ntu ?l?ft?] 

放聲大笑; 突然大笑