1、He willbreak the rule if he skips class.(如果他逃課的話他將違反校規(guī)。)
2、I'm going to break Einstein's famous rule by revealing some of my sources and explaining how I use the genius of others to further my own ambitions.(通過展示自己的一些信息來源以及解釋如何利用他人的天賦來實現(xiàn)自己的野心,我要打破愛因斯坦已成為規(guī)則的著名觀點。)
3、If youbreak the rule, you will be punished.(如果你違反了制度,你就會受到懲罰。)
4、Under the second rule, a break between blocks occurs when the sum of the elements in a block exceeds 100.(第二個規(guī)則中,當一個塊中的元素總和超過100時,會發(fā)生塊之間的間斷。)
5、That's because body text gets to break the consistency rule, especially if your heading fonts are serif fonts (serif fonts have the little squiggles, like at the end of the downstroke of the "y").(這是因為主體文本打破了一致性原則,尤其是當標題字體是serif字體的時候(serif字體有一些花體,比如字母“y”的最后一筆的末尾)。)
6、While in fact, there are some peoplebreak the rule.(而事實上,有些人顛覆了世人的看法。)
7、You mustn'tbreak the rule that no one but drivers can enter the cab.(除了司機任何人都不能進入駕駛室,你不能違反規(guī)定。)
8、If you don't punish him severely, he willbreak the rule again very soon.(如果你不嚴肅地處理他,很快他又會違犯規(guī)定了。)
9、This idea totallybreak the rule that the purpose students in school.(這個想法完全打破了學生在學校的目的的規(guī)則。)
10、We shall be punished if webreak the rule.(如果我們違反規(guī)則將受處罰。)
11、Be careful. Don'tbreak the rule of exam and cheat.(小心點,不要違反考場紀律,不要作弊。)
12、In some schools, it is a rule that mobile phones are strictly forbidden, and if studentsbreak the rule, they will be punished.(有些學校規(guī)定嚴禁使用手機,如果違反該規(guī)則,學生就會受到懲罰。)
13、You were gonnabreak the rule.(你是要破壞規(guī)矩。)
14、He can't put up with the guys whobreak the rule.(他無法容忍他人打破成規(guī)。)
15、Can’t youbreak the rule just this one time?(你就不能破一次例嗎?)
16、Maybe that's true, but sometimes I am just being too safe so that I don'tbreak the rule I just mentioned above.(也許這是對的,但有時我只是不想為了過分保護自己而違反了上面所提到的規(guī)則。)
17、This is a slight modification to the traditional meaning of the extends relationship, which is necessary because long-running processes break the usual "one actor, one place, one time" rule.(這對extends關系的傳統(tǒng)含義進行了一些修改,因為長時間運行的流程打破了通常的“一個參與者、一個地方、一個時間”規(guī)則,因此非常有必要進行修改。)
18、In fact, when you break a rule or law, you lose control over your life and give others the power to impose punishment that you have no control over.(事實上,當你違反了一個規(guī)則或法律,你失去了對你的生活的控制,并給別人施加你無法控制的懲罰的權力。)
19、Your first thought could be that it's time to refactor, but doing so would break the first rule of refactoring, which is to write a test case.(您首先想到的可能是:到重構的時間了,但這樣做將打破第一個重構規(guī)則,即將編寫一個測試用例。)
20、Competing malevolently,break the rule of market.(惡意競爭,破壞市場規(guī)則。)
21、In other words, if youbreak the rule, you will be punished.(換言之,如果你違反了規(guī)則,你將受到懲罰。) (hao86.com好工具)
22、Anyone whobreak the rule and litter everywhere should be fined.(任何違反規(guī)定,隨處扔垃圾的人都應該被罰款。)