
更新時間:2025-03-09 12:07:42



  • 1、How do youconvince someone to live this small house?(你怎么能說服別人住進這些小房子里?)
  • 2、He managed toconvince voters that he was for real.(他使得投票者相信了他是嚴肅認真的。)
  • 3、Can you talk a little bit about how you get toconvince? Because you could be arguing and arguing, and all of a sudden you realize.(你能談談你是如何說服別人的嗎?因為你可能一直在爭論,然后突然你意識到。)
  • 4、I'm not going to believe it myself, never mindconvince anyone else.(我自己都不會相信它,更不用說說服其他人了。)
  • 5、I don't believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able toconvince me.(我不相信你說的話,但如果你能證明你的觀點,你也許能說服我。)
  • 6、You can'tconvince others if you yourself aren'tconvinced.(如果你沒有使你自己信服你就不能使別人信服。)
  • 7、There is no way anything would ever happen between us, and believe me I've tried toconvince myself otherwise.(無論如何,我們之間不會發(fā)生什么。而且,相信我,我已經(jīng)努力說服自己了。)
  • 8、It became clear that I hadn't been able toconvince Mike.(顯然我沒能說服邁克。)
  • 9、This will help youconvince yourself that favourable outcomes actually happen all the time, making it easier to begin taking action.(這將幫助你說服自己其實一直都有有利的結果在發(fā)生,讓你更容易開始采取行動。)
  • 10、Leaders don't force other people butconvince them to go along with them.(領導者不會強迫其他人贊同自己,但能說服別人。)
  • 11、I tried toconvince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself, not with me.(我試圖說服自己,麻煩在于問題本身,而不是我。)
  • 12、I've been trying toconvince him to see a doctor.(我一直勸他去看病。)
  • 13、We are a minority and mustconvince people of the justice of our cause.(我們是少數(shù),必須讓人們相信我們動機的正當性。)
  • 14、How do weconvince our inner caveman to be greener?(我們如何說服我們內心的穴居人變得更環(huán)保?)
  • 15、These brain regions play key roles in whether peopleconvince others of their ideas.(這些大腦區(qū)域在人們能否讓別人相信他們的想法上起著關鍵作用。)
  • 16、They were never able to isolate enough Masurium to have a weigh-able sample toconvince everyone of the discovery.(他們一直未能分離出足量的鎢,形成可稱量的樣本從而說服人們這一發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 17、She utterly failed toconvince them.(她根本沒有說服他們。)
  • 18、Consequently, they try toconvince the bearers of bad news that things aren't so bad, and that swift action can make problems go away.(結果,他們會試圖說服傳達壞消息的人,說情況其實沒那么壞,只要迅速采取行動就能讓問題消失。)
  • 19、Their goal is toconvince lawmakers to extend unemployment benefits.(他們的目標是說服立法者擴大失業(yè)救濟。)
  • 20、She or he should be able toconvince you of stupid decisions and future consequences.(她或他應該能夠說服你的愚蠢決定和未來的后果。)
  • 21、He was accused of a crime at the trial and meanwhile he could notconvince his audience to believe his innocence.(他在審訊過程中被指控犯了罪,且他也無法說服聽眾相信他是清白的。)
  • 22、He managed toconvince Borlaug to help with his new effort and subsequently founded the Sasakawa Africa Association.(他設法說服博洛格幫助他的新工作,隨后成立了佐佐川非洲協(xié)會。)
  • 23、You'll need toconvince them of your enthusiasm for the job.(你要使他們相信你殷切希望得到這份工作。)
  • 24、The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friend excitedly, "I was able toconvince Hilbert of the general theory of relativity."(這次訪問是一次勝利,他興奮地對一個朋友說:“我說服了希爾伯特相信廣義相對論。”)
  • 25、You just have toconvince him that you are prepared to take a higher risk than he is of accidentally falling off the cliff.(你只需要說服他,你已經(jīng)準備好承擔比他意外掉下懸崖諸如此類的更大風險。)
  • 26、Thomas, she sensed, couldconvince anyone of anything.(她覺得,托馬斯能說服任何人相信任何事。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 27、It's hopeless trying toconvince her.(想說服她簡直是徒勞。)
  • 28、I have managed toconvince myself that if it weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the country.(我設法說服自己,如果不是為了我的工作,我會立即前往空曠的地方,在坐落于鄉(xiāng)間的寂靜村莊里回歸自然。)



英 [k?n?v?ns] 美 [k?n?v?ns] 
形容詞: convincible 名詞: convincement 過去式: convinced 過去分詞: convinced 現(xiàn)在分詞: convincing 第三人稱單數(shù): convinces

